• Hello September

    I’m having colds today. It started this morning when I woke up. Usually it goes away by itself during the day. But for some reason, this one wants to stick with me for a while. 

    I sent Samuel to school this morning. We woke up at 8:00 and his class starts at 8:30 (he’s still 2 and a half so I guess they don’t have a real class yet, but the school gate closes around 8:45!). Currently we’re having a bad weather. There are lots of winds and heavy rain going on. To add up, there is some kind of strike going on with the public transportation. But thank God, my mom offered to send us to school today. (I can’t wait to have my own car!)

    It’s autumn again, my second favorite season (after spring!). I’m already planning to do things during weekends, like going to the woods and hunt for some mushrooms. Going to visit some of my mom’s old friends in the countryside to harvest pumpkins. Make pumpkin pies and pumpkin spice lattes and probably decorate my place (but not sure how to decorate. I don’t have much in here except plants. I’ll figure something out). 

    I love autumn, I love being cozy at home and just experiment in the kitchen. 

    Ever since I had Samuel, I begun to like cooking. It fascinates me and I feel proud of myself whenever I cooked something, and my mom says it’s delicious (I know she isn’t lying because she’s a straight-forward person. If your food is disgusting, she will not miss to tell you. Believe me!). You know, my mom is an amazing cook and it’s difficult to please a real cook when you’re an amateur. 

    And because of my newfound hobby, I begun taking a lot of photos of food. And I like it! Prepare to see lots of food photos in the future. But hang on, I’m not saying I’ll be a professional cook and publish a cookbook or something. I’m just saying that I’m beginning to like food photography. (Maybe I’ll become a food photographer?)

    I’m still struggling to find my true calling but I’m trusting God for answers and guidance. Yes, I’ve been praying about my calling a lot lately. I don’t know if God has gone quiet or I’m just too loud (or my surroundings are too loud?) that I can’t hear him properly (If you haven’t notice, I have a tendency to answer my own questions).

    The wind is still blowing like crazy outside, but not as much like this morning, so I’m going to end this post right here and I’m going to go for a walk in the park, or by the sea, or wherever my feet and my camera takes me. 

    Have a wonderful weekend! 

  • Decision, Decision

    I started a reorientation project last December and it’s our last day tomorrow. I decided to sign up in this project because I needed help in changing career. I want to change my career. Sometimes I wonder if it’s too late. I decided to go back to school and take a 2 years course or something. If only I can continue until I can get a degree, but it would take me 4 years. How will I pay my bills and bring food on the table for 4 years? (It’s like I can hear God repeating Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” LOL) Honestly, I don’t know if this is what God want’s me to do. I keep praying and asking God to show me what he wants me to do next, but I don’t have any answers. Sometimes, I wonder if I’m not praying enough. Maybe I’m not praying enough.

    I’ve been wondering these couple of months too, whether I should follow my dream and pursue photography but how will I pay my bills and buy diapers later on? Or Shall I’ll be practical? Take whatever job? At least I get to pay my bills and bring food on the table, but then I wouldn’t be happy.

    I don’t know. It’s not easy to make a decision especially when you have a 2-year-old kid in tow.

    I’m currently living in a small quiet town in France near the sea. I wish to stay here until I get old but every day it becomes impossible to stay because I can’t find my “perfect” job anywhere. I know what you’re thinking, why not create your “perfect” job? I would really love that, but how will I pay rent and other stuff?

    Seriously? What to do?

  • Unknown

    Have you ever had that feeling that everything isn’t just going well in your universe? That you feel like you wanted to escape as if you can even escape? So you go and hid under your blanket and you close your eyes and wish that everything that is going wrong would just go away? Then when you come out everything is like rainbows and daffodils again? Wouldn’t that be nice? Well, today, I literally hid under my blanket but when I came out there are no rainbows and daffodils, how depressing.

  • Apple and Pumpkin Picking Day

    I realized that Fall became one my favorite season. I love watching the leaves of the trees turn yellow and orange and sometimes red before they falls off. I love the smell of the burning woods coming out from the chimney. The beautiful sky just a few minutes before sunrise and after the sunset, and the warmth of the apple cinnamon tea on my hand on a cold morning. Anyway…

    I convinced my mom to go apple and pumpkin picking last Sunday. We went to one of her friend’s place. Even though it was raining, we had a wonderful time, especially little Sam. I love Autumn!

  • My dreams or God’s dreams?

    20 months and counting!


    Sorry for the long hiatus. I haven’t posted anything for 8 months! Wow! But I’m sure it’s ok. Nobody actually misses me because I haven’t been really active here.

    But starting today, I’ll be posting regularly! Awesome!

    So my 2011 MacBook died beginning of this year, that’s the reason I haven’t been around lately. Even in social media, I kind of distant myself for awhile as well.

    This month I bought a new MacBook Pro hopefully I’ll be able to do things again on the web.

    I was reading the other day a really good blog post about our dreams and God’s dreams in our life. It made me realised how I’m totally way off the path to pursuing God’s dreams in my life. I always believed that my dreams are from God and this is what He would wanted me to do, to pursue them. But I was wrong.

    You see, I love to travel. I’m so passionate about it that it made me jump onboard a ship to work like a slave. 7 days a week, 12 hours (or more) a day of work just to get a glimpse of beautiful places and countries I’ve never been before. Although it was extremely hard, it was also somewhat fulfilling. I succeeded on making one of my dreams come true, to travel around the world.

    But when I look at it now, man…! I cover my face with my two hands in shame. I am so ashamed to myself and to God that I only succeeded on something that don’t really matter. I wasted four years of my life chasing something that don’t even matter. Did I help someone? Did I introduced Jesus to someone? Did I made an impact into their lives? No, no and no. Because it wasn’t my goal. On the contrary, I was the one who changed, for the worst. I came home depressed and suicidal.

    Now I don’t want to discourage anyone not to pursue their dream. If God told you to do this, then you should obey Him. What’s most important is that your dream is aligned to God’s dream. That you are pursuing God’s dreams and not just your dreams.

    11 For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you. 13 Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

    – Jeremiah 29:11-13 AMP

    Praise God for this new beginning, I’m eternally grateful.

  • When God listens

    One of my goals this year is to study the Bible. I’m not talking about going to school and getting a diploma, although that would be really nice unfortunately I cannot afford going back to school right now. I’m talking about self-study. So I’ve started studying my Bible and I’m actually liking it. Somehow, I felt closer to God. I don’t know, maybe that’s one of the side effects? In a good way of course.

    I’m currently looking for a job right now. However, I’m finding it a little bit difficult to get a permanent job because most of the people who interviewed me wanted someone with flexible hours. I’m a single mom and I don’t really have flexible hours. I found someone to watch over my little hippo from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. I don’t have anyone yet to watch over him on weekends, so I can’t really work on weekends. *sigh*

    So last week, I met up with someone who works in an organization who helps people create their own company (not a big company just a small one). I wanted to get information on legal stuff on how to create your own company in France. Let’s just stay I have an idea and I wanted to know if this idea works for me. Well after the meeting, I felt a spark of motivation. I guess I was feeling a little excited about the idea of trying something I’ve never done before. I wanted to talk to someone and share about this feeling and these things that I learned. Also, I wanted to know their thoughts about it. I then texted a friend but she didn’t answer (she texted me back after 2 days I think). Somehow at that moment, my excitement was replaced with sadness. I felt alone.

    Then I prayed to God and told Him how I wish when I speak to Him He would speak to me back like when I speak to a friend face to face. That I didn’t have to guess His answer or flip through pages of the Bible just to find His answer. (Of course, I know that God does speak to us, through the Bible and sometimes people.) I guess I was just hoping for an instant reply.

    The next day, as soon as I woke up I grab my phone and opened my Bible app to read the devotion of the day. As soon as the Bible app finished loading, the first verse I saw was Psalms 37:5

    “Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.”

    I don’t know why but I knew with great certitude that God was speaking to me. Wow! Just wow! Me and my thoughts were speechless for a moment.

    So God is truly listening and He does answer. Once again, God has proved to me that I’m not alone and He’s right here with me, listening and watching me.

    I want to encourage you to keep on praying to Him and never gives up. Sometimes He answers instantly and sometimes you have to wait. Sometimes He says “Yes”, sometimes He says “No” and other times He is silent. Joyce Meyer said that when God is gone silent, He’s probably saying “use your common sense”. =)

    What do you think would happen if I didn’t open my Bible app that morning? I probably didn’t catch what God was telling me.

    Have you had any situations like this before that God has spoken to you directly? I would love to hear them. Don’t be shy to share them on the comment down below.

    Have a wonderful day and be blessed!

  • Choosing to Live

    For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. – Jeremiah 29:11

    I was watching a video of Joyce Meyer yesterday about suicide. While I was watching the video, I was thinking to myself, “Why didn’t I see this video 18 months ago? Or maybe many years ago?”.

    What is depression? Let’s look at what Merriam-Webster say,

    Depression: an act of depressing or a state of being depressed: such as
    (1): a state of feeling sad: DEJECTION
    anger, anxiety, and depression
    (2): a mood disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies.

    I’ve been battling with depression for years. I remember the first time I had suicidal thoughts was when I was in high school. I just moved to a new school and had to learn a new language and make new friends. I didn’t fit in. I was an introvert and I was always alone. At first, I enjoyed being alone until I didn’t. I became sad and lonely. I couldn’t talk to anyone because I have no one to talk to. Years passed, I was still depressed but I learned to suppress it. I tried my best to socialize with other people. I tried to fill up my emptiness with things and relationships. I got my heart broken, made quite a few big mistakes, then little by little self-doubt crept in. Hopelessness crept in. The next thing I know I’m battling depression again. It’s like, it’s been on and off thing in my life. It was a real struggle.

    18 months ago I went to Cambodia, believe it or not, I went there to end my life. I isolated myself and tried to formulate a plan on how to end it. My mind was full of negative thoughts. I felt worthless, ashamed, ugly, unwanted and empty. I felt alone and I didn’t have anyone to talk to about what’s in my head. Thinking about it right now, while writing this, it pains me. I gave satan a way to get into my head and put lies, lies to take me away from God and his amazing plans for my life.

    I like how Joyce Meyer said it,

    “You cannot let the enemy convince you that whatever you’re going through right now cannot be fixed and can never change. Instead of spending all your now time going back and regretting something that you can’t go back and do anything about, why not ask God to take all that stuff and let it make you smarter.”

    She’s right. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. You cannot let him destroy you. You cannot let him win by handing your life to him. If anyone of you reading this and have suicidal thoughts, I urge you to get some help and talk to someone. Do not, I will say it again, DO NOT isolate yourself.

    While I was there in Cambodia, an acquaintance of mine who works at the very same guesthouse where I was staying, shared to me a story one day about one of their receptionist. How she was sold to human trafficking and got out. They helped her get out, get a job and get back to society. I was deeply moved by her story. There I was feeling all sorry for myself and stuff not knowing that there are worst things in life. I then talk to her, more like cried my heart out to her (lol), and told her all about what’s going on with me and in my head. We talked and then she prayed for me. I felt relieved. Few days after, I flew back home and went to see a doctor, coz guess what? I was pregnant. The doctor said I was 4 months pregnant.

    Fast forward, I now have a beautiful baby boy, whom I love with all my heart. And I am forever grateful to God for that eye-opening moment when I was in Cambodia. I cannot thank God enough. He proved to me over and over again His love and faithfulness ever since I left Cambodia. So many miracles, but I’ll talk about them next time.

    There’s no pit so deep that God can’t reach down in it and get you out. – Joyce Meyer

    I can quote her all day, but I’ll suggest that you just go and watch her video. Suicide is not the answer. I’m available to talk if you need to talk to someone and can’t find anyone to talk to. Just know that you are not alone. I’ve been there so I know what it’s like.

  • Banana-Chocolate Chip Pancakes

    Being a single mom, I’m learning new things every day. Today, I made banana-chocolate chip pancakes. I’m not a cook. I have to google everything, so is this recipe. I got this recipe from this site. I made it twice, the second time, I had to tweak it to my liking. Less salt, less sugar, added two overripe bananas and some chocolate chips.

    Another thing I realized or learned is that there are always dishes that need to be washed, it’s like it never ends. They just keep piling up. I think I could spend a whole day in the kitchen and it’s still not tidy or clean enough. So is the laundry. I never run out of mountains of dirty laundry to be washed and clean laundry to be folded. The struggle is real! I think I need to start laying hands on them! Haha~!

    If you’re a single mom or just a regular parent, what are your daily struggles and how do you cope with it?

  • My Little One is One

    I survived my very first birthday party for my little one. I made a cake, thanks to Youtube. I spent countless hours and money preparing for my little one’s birthday. I just wanted it to resemble as a birthday party not just get together for adults haha~! But unfortunately, you cannot control everything.

    I survived my very first birthday party for my little one. I made a cake, thanks to Youtube. I spent countless hours and money preparing for my little one’s birthday. I just wanted it to resemble as a birthday party not just get together for adults haha~! But unfortunately, you cannot control everything.

    Some of the kids I invited for the party didn’t make it because they were sick. So one kid showed up and she’s so sweet, she loves playing with my little one. Most of the guests were French, and I’m Asian, and we take off our shoes in the house, so I have to ask my guests to leave their shoes at the entrance because my little still touch the floor with his hands and I’m just not comfortable with shoes in the house. Some of my guests thought it’s ridiculous, they didn’t want to leave their shoes so I made them wear these blue socks, you know the one you see in the hospital. One of them cannot get over it and she kept telling me that it’s ridiculous and I’m being a germaphobe, etc, etc.

    Anyway, I made an American cake, you know the layered ones with buttercream frosting?! Unfortunately, I learned that French people don’t like American cake. One of them even told me, “You should have just made a tart!” And another one said, “Did you boil the blue socks and made it into a cake? (because my cake is blue!) Oh, how I love french sarcasm sometimes! *fake grin*

    Nonetheless, I am proud of myself. I made my very first cake. ^^ My little one was pretty happy mingling with lots of people. I am grateful for my mom preparing most of the food and for my sister and her husband helping me decorate. I still can’t believe my little one is already one year old. How time flies!

    Today I just had a vision. What if two years ago, God gave me a glimpse of my future and He showed me today, would I still choose this path of my life? My answer is yes, regardless of how hard and crappy my life has been for the past years, I will still choose this path of my life. I cannot imagine living without my little one. I am forever grateful to God for His precious gift to me. Forever grateful.

  • New Year’s Goals

    “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” – Philippians 4:13

    Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday! I spent my holiday with my family, it was awesome and I’m very happy. Two years ago, my mother prepared a huge paëlla for just the two of us (because my sister and brother-in-law couldn’t make it for Christmas and New Year), and last year (2018) we did Korean barbeque! It was my sister’s idea and it was great (except that we smelled like a barbeque at the end of the night)! I ate so much! One of the amazing thing year’s holiday was it’s my petit cœur’s first Christmas. I’m so blessed and thankful!

    Anyway, like every year, I start my goal list from scratch (*super grin*), I won’t even tell you if I have finished the list from last year. Haha~! I pray with the help of the Holy Spirit, that I’ll be able to achieve my goals this year.

    I decided to create only simple and achievable goals, that way there’s not a lot of pressure. You know, it’s hard to break bad habits. ^^ With that being said, here are my goals this new year:

    1. Study the Bible. I read my Bible, but I never really take time to study it. Like really study it. Joyce Meyer said, “If we don’t study God’s Word consistently and apply this truth to our lives, we will lack the power we need to mature in Christ and glorify God in this world.”
    2. Get a driver’s license. This is something important that I’ve been putting off in a really long time, this year I really need to face this and just be over with it.
    3. Read 6 books. I’m a slow reader so I’ll start with 6. I love to read books that help me with my spiritual growth, e.g. Andrew Wommack, Joyce Meyer, etc. If you have a recommendation let me know at the comment box below.
    4. Have a routine. I’m a disorganized person. I’m always procrastinating and improvising. I never really make any plans. Last year, I learned that having someone depend on you their life, you need to organize and always be ready.
    5. Be more consistent. One thing I learned about myself last year is that I’m not a consistent person and it just affects everything in my life.

    So there it is. Pray for me, pray that I’ll be more consistent this year to keep these goals. How about you? Have you started making your goal’s list this year already? If you haven’t, why not start now? The Bible said, “Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but happy is he who keeps the law.” – Proverbs 29:18

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